Memory Gamma
17th century 18th century 19th century
  • 1700s
  • 1710s
  • 1720s
  • 1730s
  • 1740s
  • 1750s
  • 1760s
  • 1770s
  • 1780s
  • 1790s

18th century onward

  • May 1st, 1707: The 1707 Act of Union is signed, uniting England (including Wales) and Scotland into the Kingdom of Great Britain.[1]
  • 1756: The humpback whale species is identified by Mathurin Jacques Brisson.[2]
  • July 4th, 1776: The United States of America is founded with the signing of the Declaration of Independence from the British Empire. By 2271, the United States will be made up of 56 different states from the North American continent.[3]
  • September 17, 1776: Spain establishes the Presidio as a military garrison in San Francisco.[1][4]
  • April 30, 1789: George Washington is inaugurated as the first President of the United States
  • 1801 CE: Ireland joins the Kingdom of Great Britain and it is renamed United Kingdom of Great Britan and Ireland.
  • 1862 CE: The Centurian Science Directorate is founded.
  • ca. 1880s: The Cirali-Valinan War begins as a prelude to a destructive end.
  • 1916 CE: Einstein and Rosen theorize wormholes on Earth.
  • 1967 CE: The Cuplan governments begin working together to form the Corporatocracy of Cuplar today.
  • 1977 CE: The Cuplan Corporatocratic Conglomerate is formed after a decade of ecopolitical hardship.

External links

  1. 1.0 1.1 Historical accounts
  2. "Starfleet Academy SCISEC Briefs"
  3. TOS
  4. TOS