Memory Gamma




Federation, Starfleet



USS Hathaway


2285 Engineering Commander


Commander Criswell was a talented 23rd century Human Starfleet engineering officer.

He was a starship designer and builder, mainly assigned to starbases and ship-building facilities who had also spent some time teaching at Starfleet Academy. He did occasionally serve on starships, although the assignments were typically short-term.

He was instrumental in co-developing the Constellation-class as well as other designs such as the Demeter long-range docking shuttle.

Criswell supervised the construction of a number of starships including the USS Hathaway and had a hidden longing to command one of the ships that he built, hoping the Hathaway would be that ship.

Surprisingly, command was awarded to Montgomery Scott, someone Criswell had never worked with. Criswell was asked to stay on as chief engineer, due to the Hathaway's mission being a priority. He was somewhat concerned, however, that the two engineers may clash.

This, unfortunately, ended up being the case, at first, as Captain Scott proved to be a very "hands-on" CO. Essentially taking on chief engineer duties himself and unofficially relegating Criswell to a sort of assistant chief engineer position.

Criswell was respectful of the man, but secretly very unsatisfied. Scott's command-style would fortunately change very quickly, much to Criswell's relief and the two men would form a rock-solid friendship built on trust and mutual respect.
