Memory Gamma
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)

Omega molecule
Omega Molecule
Stabilized Omega molecule

Atomic Number:

010 (Borg designation)


40 or higher energetic bucky Particle cluster in multi trillion dark matter semiparticle Polaronic lattice structure

Holographic representation of a Omega molecule

Represented only by the Greek alphabetical symbol of Omega (or Borg particle designation 010), the Omega molecule is a form of typically unstable interdimensional Ultra-Hyper Macro Energy Particle. It is believed to be one of the most powerful energy based substances in the known galaxy, possibly even the known universe.

By the late 24th century the molecule becomes a primary power source for multiple technologies across multiple universes.

Some Imperial Federation cosmologists theorized that Omega may have existed in nature at the instant of Universal Cohesion or maybe even possibly earlier.

An Omega Molecule is so energetic that just only one would power an entire civilization almost indefinitely, but it is also so volatile that its detonation would ruin vast regions of subspace for light-years around.

Particle Mechanics[]

To the Borg, Andorians, Vulcans, and even some Humans, the Omega molecule structure and mechanics is perfection incarnate.

The entire structure of the molecule is considered Newtonian Science in its purest form. The particle is self-sustaining, self-replicating, and so self interconnected that if only one of these particles were to destabilize it would create a cascade effect that would make the entire molecular structure instantly nuclear fissive and create a subspace-based explosion that would rupture the area of subspace surrounding it at a radius of about thirty light-years and the rupture's effects would last at least six years.

Within this self sustained state the molecule can generate metric tons of "Omega" multi spectral radiation. Nearly similar to Infinity modulator energy algorithmic replication, Omega molecules can process and radiate between 100s of thousands or millions of known and rare exotic sub nuclear elements.

This energy is collected within Omega stabilization chambers that absorb and syphon off large amounts of radiated multi spectral plasma which is transferred to energy storage units or directly tied to propulsion systems for ships fuel and general energy storage.

Particle Structure[]

The Omega molecule maintains stabilization by utilizing its own Energy Resonance Frequency as a material dimensional stabilization thread (very much in the same way our own universe maintains Dimensional Environmental cohesion).

At it's base core Omega molecules consist of a Bucky ball of core particles surrounded by a interweaving inter-atomic structural cloud consisting of 100 tridodecahedron interconnected Sub-Quantum Exotic Particles. The cloud only comes together to its fullest complete form by becoming infused volumetric accelerated dark matter forming into it's complex self contained structure.

Primary Particle Sources[]

The Primary substance and stabilization source is primarily found in Boronite ore.

External Links[]
