Memory Gamma
Alternate timeline
(covers information from Warship Voyager)

Photonic Torpedo
Photon torpedo 2C The Nth Degree


Primary Weapons

  • Pho-Torp MK-1(Basic)
  • Pho-Torp MK-2
  • Pho-Torp MK-25 (used on Warship Voyager)


Energy Based Projectile


  • MK-2: 25 Isotons
  • MK-6: 200 Isotons
  • MK-25: 400 Isotons
  • MK-28: 1,200 Isotons (max burst cloud damage/effect yield)

Lethal Range:

MK-4: 300,000 kilometers MK-25: 10 to 20 Parsecs


Photonic Torpedo (or Pu'DaH dak cha in Klingon) is a tactical Matter/Anti-Matter light energy-based projectile weapon that is used as a Primary Weapons System used on most War and Starships within the known Milky Way Galaxy.

System Mechanics[]

The torpedo itself is a solidified energy pod of pure photon particle energy, encased within the pod is a smaller Nanoparticle of Ultrareactive Anti-Matter consisting of pure Anti-Deuterium in order to create the fission explosion. The entire pod is also encased in an elliptical solidified Photon plasma energy-based cylinder termed a photon tube.

The torpedo is generated by a matter/antimatter emitter which creates the particle of antimatter and then encases it in a quantum magnetically separated shell of pure superheated and semi-solidified matter plasma.

After which the sphere is ejected out of a short cannon-like tube. The energy projectile is carried out by high-velocity momentum towards its intended target. When launched, the torpedo creates a trail of Phased plasma exhaust which creates a small "Comet" effect away from the firing ship.

Only upon impact the strong attracting nuclear field easily collapses due to a specified amount of gluons that allow for easy subatomic inelastic rupture and thus the matter/antimatter mix collides and creates the specific explosion yield.

The torpedo can fire through a ship-activated shield with some of the same mechanics as the pulse phaser, however, its system is much easier to enable by simply making the torpedos energy frequency opposite to the Shield's frequency modulation which allows the projectile to easily pass through the ship's shields.


The earliest usage of photonic heavy projectiles was on mainly Constitution class (Type II) vessels. They were similar to similar era Federation launchers, in which a plasma ovoid is fired instead of a physical projectile.

By the early 24th century due to leaps in emitter technology, a torpedo sphere could be easily generated and ejected into open vacuum without the need for an internal launcher or barrel-like tube to fire from.

This also increased firing safety due to not having an active energy sphere inside a ship, risking an accidental detonation damaging the internal systems and possibly destroying the ship.

It also provided the benefit of being able to fire between dozens to hundreds of torpedoes in multiple directions simultaneously. Just like Pulse phaser banks the torpedo generation emitters were placed within the seams of the top and bottom of the ship's hull making it an array-style grid with little vulnerabilities as another array grid of phaser emitters was laid next to it allowing for little ability for enemy ships to shoot through the wave(s) of fire bombardment as it fires multiple weapons at once.

By its last developmental upgrade variant, the MK-28 torpedo was infused with a Transgenic core of super reactive Nadion which creates a disabling wide-range energy shockwave. Mark 28 torpedoes were utilized in a rescue mission of NXT Voyagers crew in 2377 disabling a small fleet of Quarren battleships holding the ship's crew captive on their homeworld.

By the late mid 25th century most Nadion energy-based weapons were phased out of the Imperial Fleet due to the now inclusion of Terran weapons and Meson disruptors could act as both a straight focused energy beam and an explosive sphere making having multiple weapons systems when both functions can be used in one system rendering this system redundant.

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