Memory Gamma
Alternate timeline
(covers information from Warship Voyager)

Quantum heat
Terran fighter (Warship VOY) 01
Terran fighter craft firing both Quantum heat (top) and focused Meson blasts (wings)


Special heavy weapons


paraboloid focused Polaronic nucleosynthetic energy beam


4.78 (1/9) Isotons (basic) (equaling 60 yottawatts (or yottajoules per second)
65 Isotons (full)

Lethal Range:

60 parsecs


Quantum heat or more scientifically termed as an Quantum nucleosynthetic beam is the primary energy Heavy weapons system that was utilized by the Terran fleet and was later readapted by the Imperial Federation of United Worlds as an upgraded heavy assault system replacing some systems as Photonics and Phaser cannons.

The system was relied on conveying Terran imperial military power for nearly 800 years even before encountering Humanity

However, within the Terran military, this system was phased out by the early 21st century as it was seen as too collaterally destructive and Neutron based weapons as they are more direct in target impact and non-harmful towards inanimate property.

System mechanics[]

The system is operated by having exotic particles attracted directly from the Quantum vacuum via the central emitter and rendered into semicrystalline Polaronic matter. The parabolic emitter replicates the matter in a process similar to Stellar nucleosynthesis via Chirped pulse amplification both heating and using the reinforced heat-resistant material to increase the density of the matter. As the matter reaches the fissive point of a miniature sun the emitter by its nature and semi-spheroid shape near automatically ejects it as a relativistic beam jacketed by heavy gravity ions of pure dark energy heat.

The emitter also behaves somewhat as a kinetic generator as it does fire albeit energy-based, are still semi-solid exotic-based polarons which are technically kinetic projectiles.

The beam acts as a pure semi-solid nuclear force that instantly atomizes or generally disintegrates any targeted physical matter destroying it in seconds. The high impact of the system due to its high damage rate is only used as either a last resort or emergency weapon, a specialized drilling tool, or a general defensive weapon against ships with hulls that are considered impenetrable via impact with conventional energy weapons.

Just as many other energy weapons the heat generator can fire beams at varying energy output levels with a basic output at a minimum of 4.78 to the fractional power of 1/9 Isotons equaling 60 yottawatts which may sound low is mathmatically in keeping with the beam source being a miniature synthetically generated star.

The yottawatt output is the equivalent of 60 yottajoules (heavy energy output second) or 60 x 125 billion atom bombs simultaneously detonating at a single point. This is also the equivalent of the explosive force of 1.434034416826E+16 tons of TNT.

This standard output while not as powerful as the direct blast from a standard Photonic torpedo can still drive near city destroying levels of force while more efficiently atomizing the target instead of basic explosive force with basic torpedoes.

However, the system does have a maximum blast rate of over 60 Isotons which due to the beams' ballistic intensity can easily bore nearly straight into a planetary core creating a massive crater nearly a third of the size of the planet (or moreso planetoid).

Systems history[]

Quantum heat generation stood as the standard of Terra military dominance for centuries estimated to have been first utilized around some time within the 16th century. This system was utilized as an initial heavy strike weapon that was used to intimidate and show some of the full force of the Terran invasionary machine.

Quantum heat was utilized in 2 major conflicts with the Human Celestial Empire on Mars within the periods of the early to late mid 20th century.

However, the system by the early 21st century was replaced with more pinpoint direct Neutron based weapons as Terran military engineers realized that the heat emitters were far too destructive and the practicality of lesser collateral damage was agreed would be the best option for optimal planetary annexation.

Heat generators were first installed into "cobra head" extendable emitters in Terran "fighters" which were EM hover-capable aerial superiority craft. The emitter could also be used as a sensory array. The emitters' capability to either bend or rotate omnidirectionally gave the fighters the advantage to fire at any enemy at nearly any angle avoiding the risk of an ambush.

The emitters were also installed into the biomechanical armor of Humanoid Terran ground troops albeit with a far lower energy output so as to not accidentally injure the armed Trooper.
