(covers information from Warship Voyager)
- You may also be also be looking for Red matter
Decalithium or known as its common name of Red Matter is the primary quantum based solid energy based fuel source used primarily as the main power source for Quantum or Temporal Drive, and Quantum Singularity based implosion/explosion weapons systems mainly by Starfleet during the 25th to the 31st century.
Element Composition[]
Red Matter primarily consists of two main substances the before mentioned Decalithium and Thiotimoline or "Resublimated Thiotimoline" as it is known in scientific circles. the matter is placed within a anti-gravity chamber of pure quantum processed water that acts as both a partial energy insulator and catalyst for the Thiotimoline it is due to the temporal flux based states of both elements that allow for the 2 to both act and react seamlessly with each other.
Element Properties[]
Decalithium is a rare form of Lithium based semi-solid energy matter that exists within a constant state of Quantum Flux, a state that allows the element to exist both within and without our plane of existence at only a Sub-Quantum level. The elements true properties are activated by applying extreme heat or heat stress based pressures which ignites the elements ability to create either an quantum based temporal or dimensional corridor or an quantum singularity based explosion/implosion event.
Element History[]
Decalithium was 1st discovered by the Vulcan Science Academy in 2378.