Memory Gamma
Romulan Guard


Romulan Star Empire



Central Leaders:

Praetor of the Romulan Star Empire


Romulan Imperial Army
Romulan Star Navy


The Romulan Guard (Rihan: Morairi ih'Shiar) was the military force of the Romulan Star Empire. The Guard's forces were comprised of the Star Navy and the Imperial Army. The Phi'Tlaru served as the intelligence branch of the Guard, since military leaders could not always rely on the Tal Shiar. The Praetor served as the commander in chief of the Guard, but actual operation of the military was under the Daise'Primus.


The Romulan Guard operated under the auspices of the Star Empire, with the Praetor serving as the commander in chief. However, the Daise'Primus served as the actual overseer of the Guard, with a council of Primus serving as advisors and the heads of each branch. A Primus held the senior rank within their respective service (Draao'Prod for the army and Galae'Enriov for the navy). The Daise'Primus and the Primus Tal Diann could be from either branch.


  • Allhka ch'Havranha (Reman Irregulars)
  • Deleth ih'Aænhr (Colonial Battalions)
  • Draao s'Shiar Rihan (Romulan Imperial Army)
  • Galae s'Shiar Rihan (Romulan Star Navy)
  • Kepeszuk Khellrea (Kepeszuk Battalion)
  • Phi'Tlaru (Military Intelligence)
  • Tal Diann (Navy Internal Affairs)
  • Tal Shava (Imperial Marines)
  • Teth Koros (Imperial Shrikes)
  • Ventava Khellrea (Ventava Legion)

Although drawn from the Romulan Guard, members of the Morairi ih'Fvillha (Praetorian Guard), including both the Tal Prai'ex and Rei'karansu, operated independently of the Guard.


General Officers[]

  • Daise'Primus
  • Primus

Army Flag Officers[]

  • Draao'Prod (Marshal)
  • Khre'Prod (General)
  • Prod (Lieutenant General)
  • Erei'Prod (Major General)

Navy Flag Officers[]

  • Galae'Enriov (Fleet admiral)
  • Khre'Enriov (Admiral)
  • Enriov (Vice admiral)
  • Erei'Enriov (Subadmiral)

Outside of flag officers, the rank system was the same between the Imperial army and the navy.

Line Officers[]

  • Khre'Riov (Commodore)
  • Riov (Commander)
  • Erei'Riov (Subcommander)
  • Khre'Arrain (Senior centurion)
  • Arrain (Centurion)
  • Erei'Arrain (Subcenturion)
  • Erein (Antecenturion)


  • Erei'Erein (Petty officer)
  • Decurion
  • Uhlan


The Guard operated numerous academies to train their personnel.

  • Korath Tanar Military Training College
  • Romulan Imperial Naval Academy
  • Romulan Imperial War College


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Romulan Star Empire
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Government: PraetorSenate
Territory: RomulusRemusRa'tleihfi
Agencies: GuardImperial ArmyStar NavyTal DiannPraetorian GuardTal Shiar

External Links[]
