(covers information from Rimor universe)
Star Trek: Rimor is a fanmade series set in the early-25th century. It is still under production, I'm partway through it, and I'm expecting to be able to relese it by the end of the year or beginning of 2018.
It is based off of the futuristic adventures of the technologically new and enhanced crew of the Rimor-class USS Rimor. Exploring new worlds, the corners of the galaxy, and of course continuing their main mission, of finishing the Federation-Galactonian War.
The crew consists of Captain Richard D. Givens, Commander Edward Hodson, Second Officer, Chief Sciene Office, and Android Lieutenant Commander Adam, Centurian Chief Tactical Officer Lieutenant Pouna, Chief Medical Officer Herbert A. Mason, Crataxian Science Officer Ensign Zlmir Derun, Chief Engineer Lieutenant Samson, and hundreds of other loyal and dedicated crew members.
Plot summaries[]
Star Trek: Rimor (First novel)[]
Star Trek: Rimor | The Search for the Nest (Second novel)[]
Star Trek: Rimor | The Incursion (Third novel)[]
Star Trek: Rimor | The Occupation (Fourth novel)[]
Star Trek: Rimor | The Rebellion (Fifth novel)[]
Star Trek: Rimor | The Last Stand (Sixth novel)[]
Star Trek: Rimor | The Epilogue (Seventh novel)[]