Memory Gamma

Created by a registered user
this article was thought of and created by Bookworm1138
Stories → Conflict Legends
Author's note: This is not B-rated, rejected material from Star Trek: Conflict. This is where the "mind-games" and more intense events that I liked but ultimately discarded are to be shown. Conflict Legends does not affect the timeline/universe/canon of Star Trek or Star Trek: Conflict, but that does not make it any less true: that is why I have called it Conflict Legends...they are stories that some might call untrue but have even minuscule basis in fact and therefore cannot be completely ignored.


Here is a short overview of certain events mentioned here that happen during the Conflict series.


  • First Contact with the Borg. During an accidental trip into the past, the crew of both ships discover the USS Enterprise and must aid James T. Kirk in a battle against Borg from the future.
  • Deeper Mutiny Plot. The mutiny plot orchestrated by Leopold Pedrag Shield and Dr. von Aldrich is deepened, with more of the crew involved and more betrayals from both sides.
  • Various Adventures in the Sol System. The two ships become separated. The USS Admonitor hides beneath Europa's icy crust while the USS Enterprise-C takes refuge in the Kyper Asteroid Field.
  • Borg assimilate the Nazis. In another temporal assault, the Borg enter the mid-20th century and attempt to assimilate humans by starting with the Nazis. Edward Shield must save Adolf Hitler, and his own father in order to assure the survival of the human race.
  • Various Battles and Raids against the Federation.

