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Stories → Star Trek - Prethoryn


Star Trek: Prethoryn is a Story about how Tarakian Alex Pierce has adjusted to a Starfleet duty, While maintaining his Humanity and Tarakian Heritage. This is the first of the fanfiction series, and is written by A.P. or FrozenNavy. The Main Ship of this Series is the Prethoryn class, a Mixture of Tarakian and Federation Technology.


I, Kaga, Rodriguez and Sulu Entered the Conference Room, as I was Prethoryn's Resident Tarakian I had to be presenting that day.

Soon Everybody had settled in the Conference room, I saw people Like Captain Riker, Fleet Captain Picard, Admiral Janeway and several others, Then I knew why we where called here, The Borg.

Then I went up to the viewscreen, I started to speak. "As you've probably guessed all of you are here for one reason, The Borg are back on our Front Door."

Picard Notioned to Speak, And he added "Yes but if the borg are here why are we here?"

I pressed on the Viewscreen and a massive Borg Cube went onscreen. " 'This is a Borg Supercube' It is equal to a Prethoryn in size and Weight, However its Armament is even bigger than the Prethoryn, and this is why you've been called here..."


Dated n 2411 around a year after Star Trek Online, This Series is about Tarakian Alex Pierce, A Specialist in the Tarakian Navy placed in Starfleet by the Tarakian Congress, The First Chapters Covers A War with Borg Remmant Fighting the Borg's last superweapon, Or a Borg "Super Cube".


For a full list of characters and character details, see Story:Star Trek - Prethoryn/Crew.


  • Fleet Captain Alex Pierce: Male Tarakian, Commanding Officer

Main Characters

  • Captain Hannah Kaga: Female Human, First Officer
  • Commander M'Pol Rodriguez: Male Vulcan/Human, Medical Officer
  • Commander Ayanna Maize: Female Human, Second Officer/Science Officer
  • Lieutenant Commander Brianna Sulu: Female Orion, Third Officer/Security Chief

Supporting Characters

  • Rear Admiral Kathryn Janeway: Earth Space-dock, Commanding
  • Fleet Captain Jean-Luc Picard: USS Leviathan, Commanding
  • Captain William Riker: USS Titan, Commanding
  • Captain Harry Kim: USS Rhode Island, Commanding
  • Commander Tiaru Jarok: RRW Lleiset, Commanding
  • Lieutenant Commander Worf: USS Jupiter, Third Officer
  • Captain Data: USS Sutherland (Dreadnought Variant), Commanding
  • Captain Ezri Dax: USS Challenger, Commanding


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