Memory Gamma
Alternate timeline
(covers information from Ktarn timeline)
Created by a registered user
this article was thought of and created by WildKazoo
Task Force 202


2374-2376; 2399-


United Federation of Planets



Part of:

Ktarn Fleet


Starbase 234 (2399-2410)


Task Force Retort


"Any time, any where, always ready, always there."


of Starbase 234


Current Commander:

VAdm. Sysary


USS Sakakida


Task Force 202 (abbreviated TF202 and informally known as Task Force Retort) was a tactical and combat division of Ktarn Fleet. The unit was comprised of high-mobility starships and specialized in quick-strike combat operations and rapid response defense.


Originally formed as a quick-strike unit against strategic targets during the Dominion War, Task Force 202 was dissolved shortly after the war ended. The ships and crews were reassigned and the number was retired.

Due to rising tensions between the Federation and the Klingon Empire near the turn of the 25th century, Task Force 202 was reformed within Ktarn Fleet. Admiral Gustan Flaze placed the newly formed group under the command of Rear Admiral Sysary, a newly-promoted officer transferred to the fleet to be director of its Military Division. Sysary hand-picked officers and starships for the 202, choosing the Andorian Shras th'Zarath as executive officer. As the Romulan Republic began to take shape, arrangements were made for an officer exchange program between officers of the Romulan military and Starfleet. Some Republic warbirds were also assigned to the task force.

As the war with the Klingons cooled, the task force shifted focus to counter the increasingly aggressive Undine, and eventually battling the servitor races of the Iconians. Due to this shift, the task force headquarters were relocated in 2409 to Starbase 234 in the H'atoria sector in order to be near New Romulus and the gateway to the Solanae and Jenolan Dyson Spheres.

When the Iconian Heralds attacked Starbase 234 in 2410, Task Force 202 was there. The USS Gheryzan, USS Deletham, and RRW Intraktu managed to aid most of the civilians and starbase personnel escape the battlefield, but the station and the USS Mongoose were lost, while the USS Gheryzan was crippled. Those ships still able to fight moved to defend New Romulus, but the fighting there was intense and the USS Eden and the USS Bad Wolf were destroyed, while the RRW Temkhuae and USS Revenant were severely damaged. The USS Epyon and the USS Sakakida were deployed to defend the Preserver Archive, but ultimately failed and had to limp back to Earth with the surviving members of the Resistance fleet. When the Heralds left, Task Force 202 was in shambles, with most starships destroyed or damaged. The only ones to escape relatively unscathed were the Deletham and Intraktu, which were ferrying civilians and personnel from Starbase 234.



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Ktarn Fleet
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Leadership: Gustan FlazeTvalSysaryRekindleLinorHayden C. ThorpeViliami VakaTelsia Murphy-MunroDukade Segi
Installations: Vershina StationJatha Dilithium MineMol'Rihan ConsulateNoonian Soong SpireDelta Foundry
Affiliates: Task Force 200Task Force 201Task Force 202Task Force 203
Notable Starships: USS ArrowUSS Bad WolfUSS BarricadeUSS DelethamUSS EchidnaUSS EdenUSS EpyonUSS GalarUSS GheryzanUSS GondolierUSS HanseaticRRW IntraktuUSS KrylysasUSS MongooseUSS Omega-XisUSS PangolinUSS SakakidaRRW TemkhuaeSS Venetian