Memory Gamma
Alternate timeline
(covers information from Vanguard universe)
Created by a registered user
this article was thought of and created by Maximus1925

USS Moro
Wakizashi side
Side view




Wakizashi (Vanguard)




Federation, Starfleet





Coronalis Frontier Fleet Yards







300 meters


105 meters


54 meters


600,000 metric tons





80 total:
- 16 officers
- 64 enlisted
- 10 commando


Via enhanced warp drive:
- Warp 8.5 (normal cruising)
- Warp 9.6 (top sustained)
- Warp 9.99 (max; 12 hrs.)
Slipstream velocities


- 8 Type-XII phaser arrays
- 4 Mark-XII pulse phaser cannons
- 4 variable-use torpedo launchers
- 10 Transphasic torpedoes
- 100 quantum torpedoes
- 100 high-yield photon torpedoes


- Regenerative, redundant, reinforced, multiphasic, multispectrum unimatrix defensive shields
- Ablative hull armor
- Regenerative ablative armor plating
- Sensor stealth system
- Microdiffracted carbon hull coating
- Sensor stealth system


Starbase Sierra-Foxtrot 5


- 1 Venture-class scout ship
- 1 Valkyrie-class advanced tactical flyer
- 1 Type-11 shuttlecraft
- 2 Type-9 shuttlecraft
- 2 work bees

Wakizashi top
Top view
"The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Or the one."
— Spock

The USS Moro was a Wakizashi-class Destroyer in active service to Starfleet in the late 24th century.

Wakizashi ortho

The Wakizashi class Destroyer USS Moro.

Vanguard Command[]

The USS Moro was launched on 2384 from Starbase Sierra-Foxtrot 5 and commissioned on 2385 as part of the Vanguard Fleet, the mobile arm of Vanguard Command.

Ship features and capabilities[]

Compared to the Luna-class Heavy Cruiser, the USS Moro's corridors were narrower and her smaller crew more thinly spread out onboard. However, space economy designs were incorporated into its modification and refit in order for it to be equipped with as many facilities as possible, while still providing most of the typical living, recreational and leisure amenities enjoyed on typical Starfleet vessels.

The USS Moro was intended as a testbed for a combination of onboard technologies. It was also intended to follow on the heels of the legendary USS Defiant as a small ship that packs a lot of power, and the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E) as a ship whose exceptional crew pushes its capabilities to the limit.

Wakizashi angle 1

A view of the Wakizashi class Destroyer.

Wakizashi angle 2

Another view of the Wakizashi class Destroyer.

Offensive capabilities[]

Capability Detail Effect
Uprated phaser arrays 8 Type-XII phaser arrays
The most powerful phaser weapons in mainstream use.
Pulse phaser cannons 4 Mark-XII pulse phaser cannons High rate of fire and a high damage yield
2x the power of standard phaser of same model.
Transphasic torpedoes & quantum torpedoes launching capacity 4 variable-use torpedo launchers Launchers can fire all types of torpedoes.
Higher torpedo payload 100 Khronnian enhanced high-yield photon torpedoes
100 enhanced quantum torpedoes
10 transphasic torpedoes
Highest setting as powerful as a quantum torpedo.
Twice as powerful as a standard quantum torpedo.
Can destroy a Borg cube..
Combat-modified auxiliary craft complement
Enlarged shuttlebay and bay doors
1 Venture-class scout ship
1 Valkyrie-class tactical flyer
1 Type-11 medium shuttlecraft
2 Type-9 light shuttlecrafts
2 Work bees
For multi-purpose missions
For tactical missions.
An alternative to the Flyer-class.
For light missions.
For starship repair and maintenance.
Onboard Starfleet Commando Force 10-man squad For special away team, reconnaissance & black ops missions.

Defensive capabilities[]

Capability Detail Effect
Transporter-welded space frame Duranium/tritanium alloy Can withstand extreme combat and propulsion stresses.
Enhanced and redundant structural integrity fields Maintain the integrity and shape of hulls and bulkheads Exponentially increased the ship's ability against the extreme stresses caused by warp fields, weapons, and other motion.
Ablative hull armor Three layers Rapidly dissipates energy impacts from directed energy weapon fire.
multi-phasic shielding Regenerative, redundant, and reinforced Protects from subspace radiation and the dangerous energy emissions generated by stars.
Unimatrix shielding Regenerative, redundant, and reinforced Makes the ship's hull capable of withstanding extremes of temperature and pressure.
Microdiffracted carbon hull coating Coating absorbs all visible radiation that fall upon the ship's hull Makes the ship as black as the space it moved through.
Sensor stealth system Custom-designed warp coil insulators reduced its energy signature almost to nil. As long as radio silence was maintained, the ship could cruise unnoticed through space. Masked the ship's warp signature and helped avoid detection during covert operations.
Advanced holographic hull emitters Distributed in the ship's outer hull Give the ship the ability to alter its appearance by disguising itself as another object, such as an asteroid.

Computer capabilities[]

Capability Detail Effect
More powerful and additional fusion reactors 2 fusion reactors
2 microfusion reactors
Increase power provided to the ship's onboard systems
Ensure consistent onboard operational capabilities.
More powerful and advanced computer cores 2 computer cores
1 mini-computer core
Bio-neural circuitry
40 bio-neural gel-packs
Increased processing power and provided redundancy in case one of the cores was damaged or destroyed.
Could process information more efficiently, and therefore speed up computer response time.
Full Long-term Holographic Program Package Holo-emitters on all ship areas
1 Command & Navigation Hologram
1 Engineering Hologram
1 Security & Tactical Hologram
1 Medical Hologram
Full-fledged starship officers. Intended for situations where a holo-crew would be more beneficial than a humanoid.

Propulsion capabilities[]

Capability Detail Effect
Enhanced impulse engines Main and saucer impulse drives
With hyper-impulse and combat-impulse capacity
Highest sub-light speed at 0.95c.
Can attain faster-than-light impulse velocities of Warp 1.2.
Increased sub-light maneuverability.
Enhanced thruster array Additional thrusters
With retro-thrusters
Exponentially increases the ship's agility.
Khronnian enhanced warp drive Dilithium matrix is active and running hot all the time
Deuterium manifolds is opened up to 600 microns only.
Normal cruise speed of Warp 8.5
Top sustained speeds of Warp 9.5
Maximum attainable speed of Warp 9.99 for 12 hours.
Quantum slipstream drive Installed with a quantum field focus controller at the front of the ship's main deflector and a chroniton integrator. Ship can travel 300 light years in an hour.

Other onboard capabilities[]

Capability Detail Effect
An astrometrics lab and a stellar cartography department Integrated facility
With wraparound holographic wall screen
With 360 degree holotank
with 3 adjacent laboratories
For charting stars, planets, nebulae, and other stellar bodies
For long-range, real-time communications purposes
As a workplace for easy access to sensor information.
Sovereign-class type crew accommodations and facilities 2 medium-sized advanced holodecks
1 mess lounge
1 mini-gym
5-bed sickbay
Maximized internal space without feeling cramped
Higher automation Requires lesser crew 80 crew, plus 10 commando

Rapid Reaction Force[]

After its completion, the USS Moro was assigned to the Rapid Reaction Force of Vanguard Command. It became the alternate mission specialist to Task Force Rogue and the USS Victor.

Size comparison 3

Size comparison of the Victorious, the Moro and the Eclipse

If the mission did not require a small battle group like Task Force Rogue, or an intimidating, heavy hitting starship like the USS Victor, but a starship that was less conspicuous and just as powerful - if not more powerful, the USS Moro was the first choice of Vanguard Command.

The USS Moro was placed under the command of Captain Hakeem Majors, an extremely talented and impressive Starfleet officer whose daring, smarts and brilliance in command reminded others of some of the most famous captains ever to serve the Federation.

The ship, its captain and its crew had shown time and again of their uncanny ability to take on the most challenging missions assigned to them, and overcome it, drawing strong comparisons with the original Enterprise and its captain, and the Enterprise-D and E and its captain. Due to the special nature of its role, the USS Moro and its crew had Starbase Sierra-Foxtrot 5 as their home port and headquarters.

The USS Moro had as permanent escort the equally modified Nova-class Tactical Frigate USS Eclipse, the former command of Captain Majors. Both ships have travelled together to as far as the interstellar space around the territory of the Coalition of Delta Quadrant Races in the Delta Quadrant, launching from Station DSD1 or its sub-stations, to the star systems around the Alliance of Gamma Quadrant Planets in the Gamma Quadrant, launching from Station DSG1 or its sub-stations, facing off with numerically superior hostile Delta Quadrant and Gamma Quadrant forces, the Breen Confederacy, the Romulan Star Empire, the Tzenkethi, and others.

Moro & Eclipse

The USS Moro and the USS Eclipse

The USS Moro and the USS Eclipse were the most frequent starships to deploy to the Gamma Quadrant on special missions in support of Task Force Perseverance, Task Force Dauntless, and Abraxis Command. On half of those occasions, they were joined by the refitted Korolev-class Heavy Cruiser USS Rob Roy, with Captain Majors in operational command over the special squadron.

Rob Roy, Moro & Eclipse

The USS Rob Roy, the USS Moro and the USS Eclipse

On two occasions, the USS Moro, the USS Eclipse, and the USS Rob Roy escorted the flagship of Task Force Perseverance, the Vesta-class Command Cruiser USS Perseverance on precarious missions, while the rest of the task force was split into two other groups conducting other missions.

Perseverance, Rob Roy, Moro & Eclipse

The USS Perseverance, the USS Rob Roy, the USS Moro and the USS Eclipse

When military threats would arise within the frontier AOR of Vanguard Command in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, the USS Moro and the USS Eclipse would team up with two Diligent-class Tactical Frigates of the RRF, the USS Jebe and the USS Noyan, as a special tactical flotilla tasked to conduct flanking or "behind enemy lines" operations in coordination with other mission or battle groups.

Moro, Eclipse, Jebe & Noyan

The USS Moro leading the USS Eclipse, the USS Jebe and the USS Noyan.

During very critical situations where the fleet's task forces were needed to be near their respective headquarters and within their respective AORs, the USS Moro and the three other RRF starships of the special tactical flotilla would join the flagship, the Invincible-class Fleet Carrier-Command Battleship USS Invincible, and its companion ships, Task Force Resilient and Task Force Rogue to form a temporary 23-ship battle group to take on missions of galactic importance.

In these missions, Fleet Admiral Maximus Hunter would have strategic command, while Admiral Jean-Luc Picard, Rear Admiral James T. Kirk and Captain Hakeem Majors would have tactical command over their respective units.

Invincible, TF Resilient, TF Rogue & Moro led RRF

The USS Invincible leading Task Force Resilient, Task Force Rogue and four starships of the RRF led by the USS Moro.

Related links[]
